Thump! Ouch! Marcus Gets Hurt

Teach patients about pain management using augmented reality experiences.

Teach patients about pain management using augmented reality experiences.

Patient education about pain management has been shown to reduce opioid use and mitigate risk of acquiring Substance Abuse Disorder, but it can be difficult to create engaging educational materials for pediatric patients.

We partnered with C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital to create Thump! Ouch! Marcus Gets Hurt, an effective and fun tool to educate even the youngest patient about pain management safety. And because we believe in the power of education, you can download it today at no cost.

How it Works:

Step 1
Download and print the free PDF, available using the link to the right.

Step 2
Download the free Marcus Books app.

Step 3
Open the app and point your mobile device at the book to launch a 3D adventure!

Thump, Ouch! Marcus Gets Hurt
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Thump, Ouch! Marcus Gets Hurt